Vanilla Bean Syrup

Vanilla bean syrup is the staple that all pantry should have! So easy to make, so versatile to use and can be stored for a good while. Let's get into it :) 

Vanilla bean syrup made from our Madagascar vanilla bean by @unknownbake 


  • 1 cup of water 
  • 1 cup of caster sugar 
  • 1 vanilla bean (we love using Madagascar vanilla bean) 

How to: 

  • Split vanilla bean lengthwise, scrape all vanilla caviar out. 
  • On a medium heat, put water, sugar, vanilla bean and vanilla caviar on. When it comes to boil, let it simmer for 5 minutes. 
  • Turn off the heat, let it steep for at least an hour. 
  • Find a nice bottle to store it - can be bridged for up to a month. 

Vanilla Republic has both Tahiti and Madagascar vanilla beans in store. Don't forget to check us out!