What's the difference between Tahiti and Madagascar vanilla beans?

Tahiti and Madagascar vanilla beans are two most popular vanilla worldwide. You find these in both sweet and savoury dishes. But is there really any difference? Let's find out here. 

Starting with Madagascar vanilla beans - the top-of-mind vanilla that chefs and homebakers around the world rely on. In fact, Madagascar vanilla beans account for ~80% of the world consumption. Originally from Mexico, the French started cultivating this commercially in Madagascar extending to Indian Ocean region - now extending to other places too. Its sweet, caramel with balsamic hint is all too familiar to dessert lovers. Its sizing and curing method vary field by field - all has impact on pricing. 

Madagascar vanilla beans - Aromatic Notes

Fun fact:

  • Madagascar Bourbon refers to vanilla beans from specific zoning (Indian Ocean area only) and traditional curing method, not because Whiskey Bourbon is used in the process! 

Now moving on to Tahiti vanilla beans - rarer to find, and is found mostly in colder desserts. This bean normally come in a larger size, and thicker shell. Tahiti vanilla bean is well- known of its fruity, anise on top of sweet note. Its compound can tolerate less heat - explaining why it's usually applied to cold or no-bake desserts. 

Tahiti vanilla beans - Aromatic notes

Over to you, what's your preference? Tahiti or Madagascar? :)

Vanilla Republic has both Tahiti and Madagascar vanilla beans in store. Don't forget to check us out!