What to choose: vanilla bean, vanilla extract, vanilla bean paste?

At Vanilla Republic, we use all formats! Different recipes, different presentation needs, different mood require for different formats. Sometimes we even use them in mix - there's never too much vanilla for desserts ;) Here's our take on when to choose which vanilla format. 

Vanilla Beans: 

Vanilla beans are classic format that chefs and bakers can rely on. Vanilla beans offers naturally sweet scent oozing out from vanilla caviar inside the beans. Caviar is a definite premium - both aroma and visual. We love using vanilla beans, when we want to highlight pure vanilla flavour. Vanilla pastry cream, vanilla syrup. vanilla sauce, vanilla madeleines - you know what we meant.  

Vanilla Extract: 

Bake goodies come in all shapes and forms. So when the main flavours are not vanilla but you know well that vanilla will enhance everything, vanilla extract is the format to go. Use real vanilla extract whenever you can, it is just so much better! 

Vanilla Bean Paste: 

We love the luxurious feel of vanilla bean paste. The viscosity. The thick consistency. The vanilla specks. Real vanilla bean paste from top quality vanilla beans can do so much for your desserts - both aroma and visual. Be careful when working your sugar though because vanilla bean paste is already sweetened up a bit. 

Check out our product pages to learn more about Vanilla Republic's vanilla product ;)