How does premium vanilla bean look like?

Vanilla bean is the second most expensive spice in the world (no.1 being saffron) - not only because of its unique flavour, but also demanding cultivation process.

Madagascar vanilla beans

Madagascar vanilla bean has been the most recognised by chefs around the world for its rich creaminess, among other sources such as Mexico, Tahiti or Indonesia. And yet, there are distinct differences between premium vanilla beans and so-so vanilla beans. 2 key criteria you should look for in premium vanilla beans are: 

  • Moisture content: Premium vanilla beans are extremely moist, and leave oily residue upon touching. You can actually bend the beans as that moist keep them flexible. On the other hand, low quality vanilla beans are dry and brittle like biscuit sticks. 
  • Length: Premium vanilla beans generally have 15cm+ in length, while grade B/C comes in a range of 8-14cm. 

At Vanilla Republic, we hand-pick and hand-pack our vanilla beans to ensure that every bean is of the same premium standard of moisture content at 17cm.